Ethos & Faith Development
Our ethos, which forms the culture of Mount Anville Secondary School is rooted in the very best traditions of the Society of the Sacred Heart. Drawing from this rich and fruitful source, our Sacred Heart Goals represent the values which the school wishes to promote and live by. They guide our behaviour and identify us as belonging to a common Sacred Heart family and embody the mission of Sacred Heart education which aims to educate to the whole person through
· A personal and active faith in God
· A deep respect for intellectual values
· A social awareness which impels to action
· The building of community as a Christian value
· Personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom
The mission of Sacred Heart education, inspired by the vision and charism of our foundress Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat, is to make known the love of God revealed in the heart of Jesus. Education was chosen as the means for educators and students to come to know and experience God’s love and presence. In and through the act of educating, one experiences being loved by God and loving God in return. The context of this dynamic is relationships built on mutual respect and trust. Indeed, our culture is ultimately relational. This relationally finds expression in our educational philosophy that at its core is person-centred. The concept of the whole person is central to Sacred Heart Education philosophy. We have succeeded when our students become responsible members of society, confident of their own worth, and are capable of pursuing their personal missions with energy, purpose and conviction. It is our hope that Sacred Heart Education will equip them with the faith and the fortitude to cope with the challenges they will face.
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Pentecost School Prayer
Dear Lord,
Our Sacred Heart School Community is made up of people like ME.
I help make it what it is.
Its corridors, classrooms and learning spaces will be filled with compassion and kindness, if I am.
It will do great work, if I work.
It will build a culture of service and be a welcoming community if I show inclusiveness and openness.
It will be a place that promotes empathy and compassion if I mirror these qualities.
It will be a centre of learning if I am generous in sharing my experiences and am open to learning from others.
It will be a place known for the development of the whole person – spiritual, emotional, physical, relational and academic - if I am doing this for myself.
It will make generous gifts to many causes if I am generous with my time, talents and skills.
It will tirelessly care for and advocate on behalf of those most vulnerable if I do also.
It will be a school community of loyalty, mercy, compassion, faith, if I, who make it what it is, am filled with these same things.
Through the intercession of St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, I will commit myself to the task of being all the things that I want our Mount Anville Sacred Heart community and our world to be.

Faith Formation
My name is JP and I am the faith formation and development officer for all of the adults in our Sacred Heart schools’ community on our beautiful Mount Anville Campus. The essential function of this role is to communicate the message of Sacred Heart education and to support our parents, faculty, staff, and management in coming to know and understand the aims, mission, and values that underpin Sacred Heart Education today. Inspired by our foundress St. Madeleine Sophie Barat we strive to ensure that our schools continue their pursuit of excellence, centred on the holistic development of each girl, and animated by the love of God and the transformation of society in light of gospel values.
Fifth Year – A Living Faith Talk
We were delighted to welcome Jason and Jessica Maupin and members of The Scripture Union team to Mount Anville this morning. During Religious Education class, Fifth Year students attended an enlightening and inspirational talk given by Jason. Jason shared how faith has been a source of strength, comfort and solace to him throughout his life. Themes such as resilience, hope and self-belief were explored with emphasis placed on trusting Jesus to guide and help during life. Jessica led the group in a beautiful performance of The Greatest, a song containing the motivational lyrics I Got Stamina. What a positive message for Fifth Year students to hear to begin the school day.
