Mount Anville Secondary School

Extra Curricular - Music

The Mount Anville Orchestra are an enthusiastic and talented group of musicians that meet on Wednesday and Friday mornings for rehearsals.
They cover a wide variety of repertoire such as Classical, Movie Themes, Christmas, and Popular music.
As well as being an enjoyable hobby the Orchestra is also a great way for students to improve their music theory and sight reading. It gives students first-hand experience of how an orchestra works and what it is like to be part of a team of musicians. The orchestra plays at various school events throughout the year.
New members are welcome at any time!

Wednesday 7.30am - 8.30am

1st to 6th Year

Concert Hall

Senior Choir

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Friday 7.40am - 8.20am

TY, 5th & 6th Years

Music Room

Junior Choir

The Junior Choir is drawn from students in first, second and third year, all students are welcome. There are no auditions. The Junior Choir have a full and varied yearly schedule, they perform at school engagements, liturgies, and competitive performances all around Ireland. The Junior Choir are current Feis Ceoil competition winners.

New members are welcome at any time!


Wednesday 7.40am - 8.20am

2nd and 3rd Years

Music Room

First Year Choir
The First Year Choir is drawn from students in First Year, all students are welcome. There are no auditions. The First Year Choir have a full and varied yearly schedule, they perform at school engagements, liturgies, and competitive performances all around Ireland.

New members are welcome at any time!


Tuesday 7.40am - 8.20am

1st Years only

Music Room

Chamber Music
Chamber Music gives musicians the opportunity to develop musical independence while playing in a duo, trio, quartet, or larger ensemble. All instruments are welcome.

Ensembles range from a string or wind quartet or trio, to a mixed string and wind ensemble. Smaller groups are decided on depending on the age and playing level of individual musicians, while larger chamber groups attempt to get students of all ages and abilities playing together. This is particularly beneficial for younger students as they learn from the more experienced musicians.

Students may audition for The Confido Quartet at the beginning of the school year. All other chamber groups do not require an audition.

New members are welcome at any time!


Monday 7.30am - 8.30am

1st to 6th Year

Concert Hall

Mount Anville Secondary School
Principal: Ms. Caffrey
Deputy Principal: Ms. Kelly

Mount Anville Road, Dublin 14, D14 A8P3, Ireland

RCN: 20145095
Students Office
01 283 2373

Finance, Facilities & Operations
01 283 2373

© 2024 Mount Anville Secondary School