Mount Anville Secondary School

Special award presented to Elizabeth McDonnell on Prize Day in recognition of her outstanding achievement- the highest Leaving Cert Grades in 2023 nationally. Elizabeth achieved an incredible 9H1 grades

Special award presented to Elizabeth McDonnell on Prize Day in recognition of her outstanding achievement- the highest Leaving Cert Grades in 2023 nationally. Elizabeth achieved an incredible 9H1 grades

My name is Elizabeth and as you have heard I was in 6th year last year. I would like to begin by thanking the members of the Board of Management and the wider school community for presenting me with this award.

I spoke at last year’s Prize Day as Ethos Prefect and I can tell you that I never imagined that I would be speaking at another Prize Day. It is very surreal.

This presentation today is in recognition of my achievement in the Leaving Cert 2023. However, I have no doubt that this achievement equally belongs to the community around me. In particular the community in Mount Anville. I know with certainty that my teachers were instrumental in guiding me throughout my 6 years here. I was beyond fortunate to have each and every one of them. Whether it was finding a different way to explain something or correcting and re-correcting an essay that I was struggling with, their dedication and their patience has led me smoothly along my academic journey. Not only that, but the classes were consistently enjoyable and struck a balance between work and fun.

When I joined Mount Anville back in 1st year, my dad, a primary school teacher, advised me that to be academically successful, I needed to become a human sponge. To be a human sponge is to make the ongoing and conscious decision to absorb as much as possible inside the classroom. This meant that my learning was done during the school-day which allowed me to fully participate in so many extracurricular activities over my entire time here. I found that when teachers introduce new material, it can be daunting and at times, a little overwhelming. But by actively listening, consciously absorbing, you achieve insight and then the little details all fall into place. I listened with deliberate attention during class especially when a teacher was explaining and re-explaining a concept. I found that most things get repeated in the lesson whether this is the teacher demonstrating an example or answering a question. Invariably, the teacher restates the key points and this repetition consolidates the learning. I placed complete trust in my brilliant teachers knowing that they had our best intentions at heart. I cannot emphasise enough how fortunate I was to be taught by these teachers. Their commitment to my improvement took the pressure off me and afforded me the time to continue the activities I love.

One of these activities was sports. Here, the PE team awakens the inner athlete in us all. They foster an empowering environment through time-tabled classes and the extensive after school Sports programme. Although they are called our coaches, they really are our number one supporters, enduring the rain and cold to develop us as players and team members. For me, this culminated in winning the minor All-Ireland Hockey Cup and a close brush with the Senior Cup. I received equal encouragement in my social Tennis career as I did as a member of the Senior 1s Hockey Team. Improvement and enjoyment were always the main objectives. Before school, after school, away matches, Saturday mornings, ski trips and Sports Day: the dedication of the PE team really enriched my school experience.

Music was another activity I enjoyed.

From my first day in 1st year until the day I played piano at my Graduation Mass, I was enveloped by a soundscape of choirs and orchestras. The diversity of musical activities that were available to me improved my playing abilities exponentially. I went from someone who could play the flute and piano to a musician who could listen and respond to others, a growth which was empowered by the careful attention afforded to me. The music teachers show great passion, diligence and commitment and the rate at which musical talent develops in the school is a testament to their skills and abilities.

I had many opportunities to perform in the National Concert Hall following our successes in the Feiseanna Ceoil. My choir even sang for Pope Francis during his visit to Ireland. The Music teachers’ expert guidance enhances so much more than just the musicians in the school but also liturgical services, the Musical Soirée and the Spring Concert to name but a few.

Last year saw the school celebrate the Sacred Heart Goal of Community and when I think of that community, I really think of support. I can safely say that the extensive systems of support in this school, including the Students’ Office, Tutors, Year Heads, Guidance Counsellors and Teachers have all played a crucial role in my achievement. I always knew there was someone I could turn to for help. Equally pivotal were my friends. Both within my year and those I met through Sports and Music. Throughout my time at school, I found camaraderie to be essential. Many experiences, whether sorrowful, stressful or joyful, are shared amongst your year group. A simple smile on the corridor is a sign of support and belonginess, two key characteristics of our community. While not everyone needs to be your best friend, being kind to everyone is invaluable. To quote a seanfhocail ‘’ Is ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid’’ and it really does hold true.

Finally, I would like to thank the leaders in the school. The support from Management does not go unnoticed and I am truly grateful for the opportunities, facilities and resources that you have provided for us. Ms Caffrey and Ms Kelly, thank you for creating this empowering environment where all students can thrive. I would also like to thank the Board of Management for pursuing a multifocal approach to education. Not only did I receive an outstanding academic education here, but Mount Anville also offered me a broad and far-reaching extracurricular education. Not only Sports and Music but Maths and Chemistry Olympiads and Irish Debating. Irish Debating was one of the best things I did here. It developed my confidence and nurtured that grá don Ghaeilge.

At the beginning of my journey in Mount Anville my dad’s advice was to become a human sponge and at the end of that journey, my mum’s advice to be happy in life was to consider becoming a dentist like herself. And I clearly took both pieces of advice to heart. Needless to say all of their love and support has enabled me to see and realise my fullest potential.

Once again, I am deeply honoured to be here today and I wish every one of you great success and happiness in your time here in this wonderful, wonderful school

Thank you.

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Mount Anville Secondary School
Principal: Ms. Nolan
Deputy Principal: Ms. Kelly

Mount Anville Road, Dublin 14, D14 A8P3, Ireland

RCN: 20145095
Students Office
01 283 2373

Finance, Facilities & Operations
01 283 2373

© 2025 Mount Anville Secondary School